Privacy Policy

By submitting this form, I agree that SameDay Low Cost Insurance Services and their representatives may email, call, and / or text me with marketing messages about AUTO Insurance services, as well as for Insurance communications, at any phone number I provide, including a wireless number, using prerecorded calls or automated technology. I understand that my consent is not required to apply, enroll or make any purchase. I further understand and agree that I may instead call SameDay Low Cost Insurance Services at 888-250-1546 to request information. I understand that if I do submit this form, I may unsubscribe within marketing emails or opt-out of text messages at any time by replying “STOP.” Standard text message and data rates may apply. By submitting this form, I further understand and agree that all information provided is subject to SameDay Low Cost Insurance Services Privacy Policy and SameDay Low Cost Insurance Services SMS Terms and Conditions.